Friday, May 10, 2013

The Riddle ...

Gina sent us this riddle-- AJ was the only one of us to figure it out.  Can you?

Five men crash landed on a remote island in the Atlantic Ocean.  Four were knocked unconscious as they tumbled around in the falling plane; the fifth was unlucky enough to remain conscious during the whole ordeal.  For an unknown reason, the fifth man, being the sort of man that he was, decided to bury the other four men neck deep in the sand, rendering them immobile.  He buried three in a row, one looking at the back of the other’s head, and the last off to the side by himself.  For intimidation purposes, he constructed a very intimidating tower out of airplane scraps and bamboo to separate the two groups.  Lastly, he placed two white cups and two charred black cups, one on each man’s head.  Patiently, he waited for them all to regain consciousness.

Gina's illustration she sent with the riddle.

As they awoke, one by one, the fifth man stood over them, with his gun pointed to their head and commanded them to remain silent or he would kill them.  (Of course, he had a gun, being the kind of man he was and all.)  Once they were all awake, he calmly explained the rules of his game.  First, there was no talking.  Second, if any man could tell him the color of his OWN cup, black or white, he would set them all free.  Third, if you guessed wrong, you got shot.

Only one of the four men can tell, without a doubt, what color his cup is.  Who is it?

(The story was a little boring, I might have embellished it a little.)

Heads up:
I will be publishing the answer to this riddle tomorrow, May 11th, at 7:00 AM.  (Unless you all would like for me to post it sooner...?  Comment if so.)  Check back tomorrow if you think you know the solution to the riddle!!  Good luck.

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