Monday, August 19, 2013

Samuel says the darnedest things . . . (continued)

"Excuse me?  You need to come in my room.  I have toys."  Said to our quests, on multiple occasions. 7/5/13.

"You are Mommy.  This is Lily.  I am ... Alligator."  After Samuel's first dentist appointment, where the assistant told him to, "open his mouth like an alligator," Samuel has dubbed himself the mighty Alligator!  Like, that is what he wants me to call him sometimes, "Alligator."  7/10/13

"I wanna be married." Random statement said on our way to church.  7/28/13

Samuel: "Hey, hey, Daddy!  You wanna see my diaper?!  Daddy, you wanna see my diaper?"
Daddy: "Samuel, why would I want to see your diaper??"
Samuel: "Cause, cause ... it's about trucks!"
Daddy: "Oh, okay, lets see it."
Samuel: (zips down PJs) "SEE!"  Trucks on Pull- ups are just that awesome. 8/4/13

"She's poopy.  She's poopy!  Hey everybody!  SHE'S POOPY!!"  During scripture study at Grandma and Grandpa's house about Lily's poopy diaper.  8/15/13

Samuel: "How you get this rock?  How."
Uncle Brent: "That's a pretty awesome rock, huh?"
Samuel: "No.  It needs go outside."
Uncle Brent: "Why does it need to go outside?"
Samuel: "Cause it's a rock.  I take it outside."  There was a rock casually sitting on Uncle Brent's leg, and the rock police, Samuel, came in for the questioning.  8/18/13

If you happened to miss it, here is the first Samuel says the darnedest things. . .

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this! It made me so excited for the day that Ella starts saying full sentences that I can actually understand!
