Friday, May 24, 2013

The Smith Siblings Dance

I have mentioned a couple times, the Smith family reunion we went to, all of last week.  The WHOLE reason we had a reunion at all, was for a very special dance.

In the Gila Valley, is the Safford Dance Academy, and all of AJ's siblings, including AJ, learned to dance there.  The Safford Dance Academy is kinda a big deal in the Smith family.
Well, about 7 years ago a crazy-awesome idea formed, the origin of the thought is unknown to me, and the thought was, "All of the Smith kids--talking about AJ and his siblings-- should do a big dance, all together, for Mom."  Mom clung to it like a lifeline, and decided the year Christyl graduated she was going to have her dance.
2013, was the lucky year.  Jamie, the oldest, choreographed the dance-- she is super talented like that.  And everyone learned the whole dance in FOUR days-- they are seriously talented like that.  But Amanda takes the prize though, because she danced pregnant!!

Just remember, this dance was seven years a week in the making...

From right to left, (at the beginning of the dance):  Matt (striped shirt), Christyl (white dress), AJ (the sexy one), April (grey dress), Amanda (grey cardigan) and Jamie (black shirt)

"We love you Mom!!!"

1 comment:

  1. I cry every time I watch this! It means soooo much to me!
