Friday, April 19, 2013

Vodka?! Why Vodka?

                There have been a lot of questions since my previous post.  (I didn't realize it would cause such a stir, but, I guess, I do understand considering … it is alcohol!)  Everyone wants to know where vodka came into the story, and I can tell you now, it didn't, not that story anyway.  As a result of all the questions I decided to share the back story behind the title, “Poop, Vodka, Potty Training and Movies.”

Rewind 2 years …
          It all started, when this girl.
Met this boy.
And he brought over The Game of Things.
(You see, these two, Amanda and Jake, were dating, so they were always together.  AJ and I may or may not have used “chaperone” as an excuse to hang out with them all the time.  They are that cool.)

                We stayed up really late one night playing Things- just like the night before that, and before that, and before that, and … ok, you get the picture.  Dating, remember?  In any case, it was really late, Samuel was fast asleep, and we were playing Things, again.  (We seriously ADORE that game.)  We being Jake (the boyfriend), Amanda (sister-in-law), Jenny (my cousin), Gina (my sister), AJ (husband) and I (myself).
                Ok, little explanation of Things, just in case you haven’t had the pleasure of playing it yet.  Someone, “the reader” picks a card and reads it out loud, “Things that jiggle.”, and everyone writes on their own piece of paper, something that jiggles.  It can be safe, such as Jell-O or keys, or it can be risky, like butts, boobs or a bed.  A water bed you nasties!  (Or it can be poop, because poop is the answer to everything.)  After everyone has written a response they pass it in to “the reader”, who reads them aloud, and then, beginning on the reader’s left, the players try to guess whose response was whose.  That is the gist of the game.
As the night wore on, and our minds became clouded with exhaustion, it became common, after there was an especially hilarious answer, when we couldn't think of anything to put, we would repeat the especially hilarious answer.  Then, we even repeated funny responses from eight nights ago.  And at some point we started combining all the hilarious answers together, and the most used combination was “poop, vodka, poker chips and pancakes.”  Poop because … it’s poop, it’s funny.  Gina randomly contributed vodka and poker chips- doesn't sound funny to you?  Well at 12:30 AM, for the twelfth night in a row, it's a killer!  Ever wonder "things" people do on their honeymoon?  They make pancakes, now you know what all the hype is about, courtesy of Amanda.
            That my friends is how poop, vodka, poker chips and pancakes came to life.  And to this day, if we ever pull out The Game of Things, poop, vodka, poker chips and pancakes, will still come up.  And that brings us back to my previous post's title, Poop, Vodka, Potty Training and Movies, I simply adjusted poop, vodka, poker chips and pancakes to fit the post.  And now you know, the rest of the story!

1 comment:

  1. ok, brad and i need to get this game now. hahaha! thanks, Emily! (I was a bit confused about the vodka, too, but figured it was some throw back to a movie that i haven't seen because i never watch movies.)
